Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall List #3!...

  1. Encomium: A formal expression of high praise
  2. Coherent: Logically connected; consistent
  3. Belabor: To explain, worry about, or work at repeatedly or more than is necessary
  4. Eschew: To abstain or keep away from; avoid
  5. Acquisitive: Tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions, etc. 
  6. Emulate: To try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
  7. Arrogate: To claim unwarranted or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneself without right
  8. Banal: Devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed
  9. Excoriation: censure severely
  10. Congeal: To change from a soft to a fluid state to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing
  11. Carping: characterized by fussy or petulant faultfinding
  12. Substantiate: To establish by proof or competent evidence
  13. Temporize: To be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting
  14. Largesse: The generous bestowal of gifts, favors, or money
  15. Tenable: Capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against attack or dispute
  16. Insatiable: Incapable of being satisfied
  17. Reconnaissance: The process of obtaining information about the position, activities, resources, etc, of an enemy or potential enemy
  18. Germane: Closely or significantly related; relevant; pertinent
  19. Ramify: To divide or spread out into branches or branchlike parts; extend into subdivisions
  20. Intransigent: Refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible
  21. Taciturn: Inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation
  22. Invidious: Offensively or unfairly discriminating; injurious

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