Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Modernist Author Project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We finished our Video!!!!! Jessica Wilkin, Teanna Silviera, Jonah Maher, and I hope you enjoy it!!(: We want to give much thanks to all the actors: Raul Ramirez, Kaitlynn Dueck, Takara Wilkin, and Austin Aragon for helping us make this Video a success!!(:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Brave New World" Notes Chapters 1-5

  • Epsilons: letter from the Greek alphabet.
  • Characters aren't designed to be different but interchangeable
  • It's an allusion
  • Book is based on timeless ideas
  • Economic classes are a big part of this book
  • Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gama <-- Dividers
  • We have all the ingredients in society today for it to all fall apart tomorrow
  • In Brave New World there are no rebels
  • Cognitive Dissonance: Two ideas contradict each other and done to make you think
  •  "Everyone belongs to everyone else" means they all share each other
  • Why separate everyone into classes?:  Because Huxley wants to mess with people's minds
  • Can't really know what it feels like to not have any emotions
  • Racial Comments
  • "Everybody's" living this way
  • Word "Ford" was used like a lord (worshiped him)
  • Ford was their god because he was the creator of manufacturing
  • Marx--> symbolic
  • Froid: psychoanalytic
  • Why did they talk using "A.F." instead of saying the year they were in?: Means "AFTER FORD"
  • Each name has a special significance
  • Ford is the god head character in the story
  • Bernard Marx: outsider; didn't like what was going on
  • Pneumatic: airy/ fluffy (real definition).......  Referring to a girls figure in a sexual way (how it's used in the book) 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"MAPLAN"... Modernist Author Project

Notes for My Project.....
Jessica Wilkin, Teanna Silveira, Jonah Maher, and I decided to do a group project.

  • Project?: News Report/ Broadcast
  • Name?: Daily Modernist News
  • Channel?: Channel 72
  • We will be acting it out 
  • Include background music based on what they liked
  • Interview the authors
  • start with the Credo: words to live by/ life philosophy
  • Genre?: Report on a novel (what it's talking about)
  • Report on the person behind the book:
  1. Life circumstances 
  2. Behaviors
  3. Ideas
  4. Religion & Politics
  5. Childhood/ Family Background
  6. Previous Work
  7. Personality
  • Ask random people on what their input is
  • Have a "commercial" with one author talking about themselves and how they "help the community".
  • Pressing Question?: Do it at the end (During Credits).... Have the question at the end and have the author answer it.

Back-up ideas in case this doesn't work!!!
  • Make a group story about the authors.
  • Write an essay with links to other websites with great information on the author.